India’s Role in Afghanistan Post-Taliban Takeover: Assessing Strategic Interests, Challenges and Opportunities

Afghanistan has been a land of graveyards of empires since colonial times. Britishers, Soviets, Americans, Pakistanis, Taliban, and some titbits in the timeline of civilian governments have had their chance of trying to tame the untameable. But the continuous change in the governing bodies, having different geopolitical interests has cut off the country from its own nature. It has prevented its society from evolving according to global changes, keeping it aloof from the latest developments in social, economic, technological, and political spheres of growth and prosperity. These persistent political transitions were violent, heinous, and brutal on common Afghans, making them vulnerable to such desperate conditions. The war-torn conditions have made the country disabled in its capacity and have restricted it from enjoying the fruits of evolution human beings have achieved.