Phadke Journal of Strategic Studies equally strives to conduct and publish research that merges traditional framework of strategic studies with practical, technical knowledge relevant to defence and security matters. Research focuses on addressing real-world challenges in military strategy, defence policy and international relations by integrating technical expertise from areas such as military technology, cybersecurity, risk management and sciences. The goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical frameworks and the practical demands of modern defence and strategic issues. Our research programmes in ʻApplied Strategic Studiesʻ spans across;
Transformative Military Technologies

Our journal aims to develop an indigenous policy-relevant and scholarly expertise on emerging military innovation issues such as how novel technologies are affecting military capabilities and war-fighting concepts, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) as a “transformative core” for future militaries – particularly for Indo-Pacific militaries and superpowers – and impact of such innovations on regional military balances and long-term military-strategic competitions. Our research agenda includes;
Emerging Technologies: The impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on the development of new types of armaments and other military equipment that may add new capabilities and advantages to militaries over the longer term. These innovations include advances in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, quantum computing, among others, as well as their strategic and operational interactions.
Competitive Strategies: The long-range strategic competition between great powers shapes the direction and character of future military competitions in the Indo-Pacific. Our publications aim to provide an ongoing assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of competitions and suggest sources of competitive advantage such as the maturation and spread of asymmetric anti-access/area-denial capabilities, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and disruption, future war-fighting strategies and concepts, and their implications for India.
Strategic Technology and Resilience in the Digital Age
Our fourfold research agenda spans across;
Cybersecurity: Cybercrime, international cyber norms and confidence building measures, international law and rule of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, protection of critical infrastructure and operation technology, cyber-threat landscape.
Emerging Technologies: Geopolitics and supply chains, AI & security, Quantum technology & security.
Disinformation, Foreign Interference and Hybrid Threats: Distortions, Rumours, Untruths, Misinformation, Smears (DRUMS), foreign influence and interference (through foreign investment, economic coercion and business associations).
Social Resilience: Polarisation of society, fault-lines, vulnerabilities, identity of diaspora groups, extremism, radicalisation, gender and security in digital space.

Rapid technological advancement and increased investment and entrepreneurship in the life sciences and biotechnology have resulted in a research, development and innovation landscape that is outpacing existing national, regional and multilateral dual-use regulatory instruments and governance frameworks. This research division under our ʻapplied strategic studiesʻ programme will examine the security challenges arising from (potential) biosecurity incidents caused by extremist terror groups, cyber criminals, transnational criminal networks and insider threats. Other research areas include threats in life sciences, dual-use research and the biotech industry in South Asia.
In addition, the delicate security environment in the region, including illicit trafficking of biological materials in the region, the presence of non-state armed actors and terror groups and the risk of deliberate biological threats can have severe consequences on public health, environment, food security and economic security of states and societies. We study the national and regional efforts to enhance biosecurity and response and preparedness capacities in South Asia and the wider region in case of the use or threat of use of biological weapons, including the roles of regional bodies and networks. Our research would also explore pathways toward integrating biosecurity and response and preparedness capacity development into regional frameworks, standards and approaches, towards a robust framework for health security governance in South Asia and beyond. The key areas are;
- Biosecurity capability and risks
- National and regional efforts to enhance biosecurity
- Biosecurity security governance in South Asia and beyond

The emergence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to an inordinate number of lives lost and a huge economic fallout. Moreover, the multifaceted effects of a pandemic are compounding existing socio-economic inequalities, generating new vulnerabilities and escalating levels of risk. Climate change has also exacerbated the spread of infectious diseases – as such it is vital for health systems to be prepared for the next wave of pandemics. We examine the intersections between COVID-19 and other non-traditional security challenges confronting the region, such as food security, climate change, migration and humanitarian crisis. It explores some of the potential pathways for addressing issues created by pandemic.
Future Issues and Technology (FIT)
The Future Issues and Technology (FIT) research supports the development of the Phadke Journal of Strategic Studies (PJSS) agenda on emerging issues where science and technology intersect with national security. FIT aims to explore and incubate topics that would become new research areas and build up the knowledge of the ʻapplied strategic studiesʻ programme. FITʼs current focus areas include: 1) AI & Data, 2) Technology and Geopolitics, 3) Science & Technologyʼs Evolving Landscape with National Security, 4) Space, 5) Biotechnology and 6) Quantum technologies.