Phadke Journal of Strategic Studies (PJSS) welcomes your contribution. If you are interested in writing for us, please carefully read the following submission guidelines. We welcome article pitches and unsolicited manuscripts and review them on a regular basis. Please send your contributions to and Cc to
Our journal is a unique global source of scholarly analysis on international relations, world politics, foreign policy, national security and a wide range of issues of global significance. We feature the voices of promising academics, policymakers, students pursuing advanced degrees, and researchers from all over the globe. The journal was established to keep the academia, government, public, and corporates who want to be informed of complex geopolitical happenings and have a deep interest in a broad range of subjects from history to economics, international relations, politics to global terrorism.
Acceptable Submission Formats
- Scholarly Article: are 1,500 – 2,500 word submission that aims to provide a comprehensive scholarly perspective on a particular subject. These articles do not convey the author’s personal opinions.
- Research Paper: are 4,500 – 8,000 word submission that aims to provide in-depth scholarly dissection on subject matters pertaining to various disciplines of international affairs.
- Issue Brief: are 3,500 – 6,500 word submission that aims to provide in-depth scholarly reporting on a particular issue pertaining to various disciplines of international affairs.
- Primer: are 6,000 – 12,000 word submission that aims to serve as an introductory booklet on a particular subject matter.
Other Submission Formats
We also publish academic guides, books, conference papers, white papers, and others. Our team takes around 14 days for providing initial feedback for above mentioned submission formats. We do not accept full length of ‘Other Submission Formats’ during initial stage. For ‘Other Submission Formats’ kindly, email us with an abstract/pitch for further processing. Submissions below or above the mentioned word limit will be considered on case-by-case basis.
Editorial Guidelines and Policies
- Please submit your contribution as a Word document (rather than a PDF). No other extensions will be accepted.
- Papers are accepted for publication on the assumption that they have not been previously published elsewhere either in part or whole.
- In-line hyperlinks are mandatory in acknowledging sources. Use either scholarly journals, credible periodicals and newspapers as sources. We fact check every article we publish.
- British English spelling and terminology should be used.
- We will contact you only if we will accept your piece. If you do not hear from us within 20 business days, you may feel free to submit the manuscript to another publication.
- Please submit your article to only one publication. Kindly do NOT submit to multiple editors. This is a courtesy to our journal and the other publications as well.
- Plagiarism (even inadvertently) will not be tolerated. All submissions will be screened. Any published articles found that takes credit for someone else’s words or ideas will be removed.
- Please include your full name and title with a short biography (75 words maximum) and a photo/headshot.
The ideal article for submissions should strike a balance: It should spark debate among specialists but also engage a general interest reader.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The Phadke Journal of Strategic Studies (PJSS) is a hybrid journal that publishes both paywalled and open-access content, with a strong emphasis on the latter. Thus, we charge a nominal publication fee once your submission has cleared all stages of editorial checks and ready for publication. The publication fee for a scholarly article is Rs. 1,000 (or 40 USD), while the fee for research papers and issue brief is Rs. 2,000 (or 80 USD), and for primers, it is Rs. 6,000 (or 120 USD). The USD fees apply to submissions received from outside India.
You may still publish with us even if you are unable to cover the publication fee. However, please note that in such cases, you grant the journal editors exclusive rights to publish your submission as paywalled content, integrate ads, distribute it through third-party websites and platforms, or use a combination of these options.